What does it mean to be well-rounded?
Through all the years of our lives we have heard the term well-rounded used to describe someone who is involved in many activities, someone who participates or enjoys learning many different things, or maybe someone who just seems to be good at everything.
I bring up the term well-rounded, because I believe this is a term that should be used more often, and a term that should be a goal for every individual on this earth! The definition for well-rounded is: showing interest or ability in many fields.
How often are we told that we should become an expert at something? When choosing a college major, a career, and so much more, we are told to pick one thing and become an expert at that. I want to challenge that and say that we should all become just great at many things. I wonder what would happen if we all took the time to try something new, step out of our comfort zone, and experience life differently than we are right now.
I recently had the great opportunity to assist my wonderful boyfriend, Sam, on his dairy farm. He has 68 dairy cows that he cares for morning and night, every day. Coming from a small farming
community, I knew what farming was all about, but I did not realize exactly how much work truly goes into the operation. He taught me every piece of knowledge that I could possibly retain in a few days of work, and while I was filling wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of feed for the cows, I thought to myself, wow... I wish everyone could experience this. I thought about how different our world would be if we would all take the time to learn about the deeper things in this life like where our food comes from, or what its like to care for animals, or have to rely on good weather to just do your daily job.

Now, I know you are thinking, "okay Grace, but all of us can't make it out to a farm to learn those things..." and you are right. But, there are many things you can do right now to make yourself a more well-rounded, hard-working, caring individual, and those things will impact and change your life forever.
Is there something you are interested in or curious about that you never thought you could do? Do it.
Is there a project at work that you want to be a part of or start? Start it.
I also want to challenge you to surround yourself with people who are different and who think differently than you. You can learn so much from listening to them. Find those friends, and don't lose them.
There is only good that can come from trying new things, because even if you fail, you will learn.
So instead of focusing on being an expert at one thing, try being just great at a bunch of things. It will give you a sense of appreciation, balance, and I guarantee you will learn something new.